Home » Letters to the Editor » Letter to the Editor: Face Coverings Needed in Yosemite National Park

Letter to the Editor: Face Coverings Needed in Yosemite National Park

Dear Editor,

Yosemite National park only recommends, but does not require, face coverings when people are inside groceries, hotels, public areas. Having people inside buildings without face coverings puts Park personnel, visitors, hotel guests and concessionaire employees at risk.

And it will affect local communities’ economies if the park has a Covid outbreak and needs to be shut down. Since there is only a medical clinic in Yosemite, the local hospitals, for example John C. Fremont hospital in Mariposa and the even major hospitals in Sacramento could be overwhelmed, causing these counties to be locked down again.

Most of this can be prevented if the Department of the Interior / National Park Service could be convinced to institute a mandatory requirement (not just recommended) for everyone in public spaces and interior hallways /elevators of hotels, as well as park stores, visitor centers, restrooms, etc. to wear a simple face covering. The State of California requires it and some localities are even starting fines for people who do not follow it, but since Yosemite is on Federal land, the use of face coverings, an effective way to stop the spread of Coronavirus, is not being required.

Your actions save lives. If this concerns you, please do contact your federal legislators.

Email Tom McClintock at:


(or find your rep at: https://www.house.gov/ )

Email our senators at:

Kamala Harris  https://www.harris.senate.gov/contact/email

Dianne Feinstein at:  https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me




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