OAKHURST — Youth Basketball for Boys and Girls in the Yosemite High School gyms begins on Sunday, Nov. 19 with registration and clinics, says Coach Gary Blate.
“Boys and girls should come to dressed and ready to play. All players will be placed on a team.”
The times are as follow:
1 p.m. Boys and Girls in Grades K-2 (baskets lowered)
2 p.m. Boys and Girls in Grades 3-4
3 p.m. Boys and Girls in Grades 5-6
4 p.m. Boys and Girls in Grades 7-8
The registration fee is $40 per player and checks should be made out to YBA. Registration forms will be available at the gym on Sunday, Nov. 19. Registration and clinics will continue on Sundays at the same time through December when team play will begin.
Questions may be directed to Gary Blate at gtb@sti.net or by text to (559) 760-3641.