NORTH FORK — Jeremiah Stott received his Eagle Scout award at a ceremony held Sept. 8 at Hillside Baptist Church. The Sunday event was attended by family, friends, North Fork Lions Club members, District 5 Supervisor Tom Wheeler, troop members and Sequoia Boy Scout council officials.
Jeremiah, a junior at Minarets High School, is actively involved in both football and basketball. He has been an active member of North Fork Troop 357 since earning his Cub Scout Webelos badge just prior to turning eleven.
To date, Jeremiah has earned a total of 34 merit badges, 13 more than needed to become Eagle. Having earned these additional merit badges, he received both bronze and gold Eagle palms indicating he has earned at least 10 merit badges beyond those needed to become an Eagle Scout. Jeremiah will now be taking on a new troop leadership role as Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
As part of his leadership training, Jeremiah attended the week long National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) at Camp Chawanakee at Shaver Lake. The following year he served on the NYLT staff as a Troop Guide.
For his Eagle project, he conceived and led a trail rejuvenation project along the Mill Trail below the CDC office on the old mill site in North Fork. As part of his project, he had directional signs made and installed along the trail, replaced steps leading to a creek crossing, identified several different tree and brush species, made and installed identification signs, built and installed two benches and had brushing work done along the trail.
Prior to presentation of the Eagle award, John Richers, Sequoia Council Executive, gave the keynote address. Along with the presentation of the Eagle Scout award, letters of recognition from Senator Feinstein, Dr. David Jeremiah, earlier Troop 357 Eagle Scouts, and the BSA national and local council were read. Supervisor Tom Wheeler made a presentation from the Madera County Board of Supervisors. Since the Court of Honor, additional letters have been received and presented from Congressman McClintock and President Donald Trump.