It’s not often that one of the History Mysteries gets solved so completely, but when it does happen we think it should be highlighted.
Thanks to diligent research of North Fork History Group member Kathy Ellis, and preservation of historic information in the past by Margie (Jeppson) Hensley and Doris Scovel, every person in History Mystery #59 was identified.
The South Fork School occupied two buildings and in this photograph, all ten of the older students and the teacher were named.
Left to right are Charlie Goode, Charlie Roberts, Ralph Knight, Andy Goode, Lora Knight, Mary Harrick, Margie (Jeppson) Hensley, Lois Knight, Ada Roberts, Miss Schultz (teacher) and Dorothy Tully.
Follow-up to History Mystery #66:
We would like to thank everyone for all the emails and links to information that we received on our History Mystery for July. It has helped us to have more information about our Military display at the Coarsegold Historic Museum.
Karen Morris
559 642-4448