LEE VINING – **UPDATE 8:36 p.m. the highway has been reopened. Motorists are advised to watch for debris in the roadway.**
Original post:
As if travelers wishing to visit Yosemite National Park didn’t have enough to deal with, word has come in that Highway 120 – the Tioga Pass Road from the east entrance to five miles west of Lee Vining – has been closed due to a debris slide.
There was a report to CHP just after 1:30 p.m. today, that there was a traffic accident involving a motorcycle with two injured people.
As first responders were still dealing with the injury accident, just before 5 p.m., another motorist reported his vehicle had been hit by a rock.
About 20 minutes later, even as Caltrans was working to remove the boulders from the road, the incident was reported as an active debris slide, and the roadway was closed.
NPS officials were advised to stop motorists from exiting the park at the eastern gate. No one is being allowed to head east on Highway 120 from Tioga Pass.
There is no estimate to reopen the road at this time.
To check on the status of all roads in Yosemite, call 209-372-0200, press 1 then 1.