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Hey, Pumpkin! Third Annual Scarecrow Contest Kicks Off

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OAKHURST — Fall is here, which means fall fun is about to start, as the fine folks at Branches Books & Gifts invite you to participate in the month-long, annual Oakhurst Scarecrow Contest running from Sunday, Oct. 1 through Tuesday, Oct. 31.

The friendly competition is open to all businesses, schools, establishments and anyone who wants to be a little extra festive. During this unparalleled season in the Sierra foothills, locals and visitors are encouraged to visit the scarecrow sites, along with a host of local events.

The contest is growing in reach, even if the arms are made of straw. Last year, 20 businesses participated, enlivening the locale with creative and colorful installations all around town. This year, Branches looks forward to even more involvement to exceed that number, so they encourage all scarecrows to be up and ready by Monday, Oct. 9.

Oakhurst Physical Therapy

“I am a huge fan of October, Halloween, fall and really anything having to do with decorating, blinging things up and raving a place out,” explains Branches’ Anne Driscoll with her welcome enthusiasm.

“This led to wanting to do something fun with my fellow employees, business owners and community and create, if you will, a throw down of sorts.”

Scarecrows will be judged by an online Facebook poll this year, says Anne.

Awards include:

Best of Show — Winner will receive perpetual trophy plus $100 in Branches Books gift cards. High marks for use of materials, space, creativity, teamwork, name, labeling and overall awesomeness.
Most Creative — Winner will receive a $50 Branches Books gift card. This prize is for a well-thought-out and knocked out of the park imagination and fun.
Most Inventive Use of Materials — Winner will receive a $50 Branches Books gift card. What did you use to create your “scarecrow?” Hay? PVC? Bubbles? If the judges stop dead in their tracks and say “WOW!” then you’re on the right track.
Best Theme Display — Winner will receive a $50 Branches Books gift card. Do you love a theme like we do? Show it off! The judges are partial to books.

Oakhurst Giftworks

This event is not affiliated with any entity. It was designed as a way to bring together the community. All are welcome to participate. Winners will be notified Friday, Nov. 10.

Oakhurst offers something for everyone in the fall coinciding with the Scarecrow Contest, including:

Golden Chain Theater presents ‘Dial M for Murder’ September 15 – October 1

Sierra Art Trails Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Oakhurst Fall Festival Oct. 13 — 14

ARTober October 1 – 31

Learning to Breathe: Annapurna and Nagarkot Photography by Michael J. Costa through Oct. 11, 2017

ARTober Chalk Out Oct. 29

For more information about this year’s Oakhurst Scarecrow Festival or the Oakhurst Fall Festival email Anne Driscoll at anne@branchesbooks.com or call (559) 641-2019. Users are encouraged to use the hashtag #oakhurstscarecrows

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