AHWAHNEE — Join Helping One Woman Oakhurst for their first dinner of 2023 when they will posthumously honor their January recipient, Barbara Ramos. Barbara is lovingly sponsored by Monica Franklin. ♥
This month’s Helping One Woman (HOW) recipient is Barbara Ramos and her HOW dinner will be Wednesday, January 18th at 6 p.m. at The Hitchin’ Post in Ahwahnee. See map below.
One woman with $10 can buy another woman lunch. Ten women with $10 can buy another woman’s groceries. One hundred women with $10 can make a real difference in another woman’s life.
When: Wednesday, January 18th at 6 p.m.
Where: The Hitchin’ Post, Ahwahnee
RSVP deadline is Sunday, January 15th.
To RSVP, please click here.
About Barbara Ramos
Barbara Ramos was born in Grand Rapids, MI, but moved to California in 1949. Barbara met and married Eddie Ramos in June of 1982 and resided in Clovis, CA. They moved to Oakhurst in 2000. They have five children: Heather Wilbour, Erik & Kelly who live in their home and help as caregivers, Brian & Becky, Steven Taylor & Melissa. They also have four grandchildren.
Barbara has had a ton of medical issues over the years and Eddie has been her greatest supporter. He was there for her no matter what or how difficult the circumstances were. I was always awed by the care and dedication he gave Barbara.
A couple of months ago Eddie fell and it caused his brain to bleed so he was admitted to the hospital. While he was there Barbara insisted on visiting him. Some friends took her down to see him. Barbara began to cross the road on her scooter and was hit by a car. Even though she was at the hospital they were unable to save her life.
Barbara was nominated as a recipient. It is unusual for us to do a dinner after someone has passed away, but it was decided to be given in support of the family. Eddie will accept the monies in lieu of Barbara.
HOW It Works
• You must RESERVE your seat on www.MYSOSEVENT.com. We begin check-in at 6 p.m., raffle drawing at 7 p.m. Dinner is open seating.
• To reserve your seat visit www.MySOSEvent.com, search for the event “HOW Oakhurst Honors Barbara Ramos.” Sign in, click RESERVE, SELECT a TICKET. Bringing guests? ADD ANOTHER TICKET for each guest.
• Dinner to be purchased from the restaurant. IMPORTANT: Your ticket reservation does not include the $10 recipient gift which is payable at check-in.
• If your plans change or you are unable to attend this HOW Dinner, PLEASE modify your reservation before the reservation deadline.
• A $10 minimum monetary recipient gift is collected at the door, payable in cash or check only. Checks to be made payable to Edward Ramos.
• Raffle, silent and/or live auction items available! Prize drawing tickets available for purchase. $1 per ticket or $5 for six tickets.
• ALL monies collected are gifted to our recipient.
• Interested in contributing a prize drawing, auction item or donation? Drop off your gifts Tuesday thru Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Tokens, 40410 Hwy 41 in Oakhurst. Contact a HOW Leader if you’re not able to deliver.
• Men and well-behaved children are welcome to attend our events!
• Want to make your own nomination? Simply attend our HOW Dinner and complete a nomination form. One person may complete one nomination form per dinner, so bring friends! Not sure your recipient qualifies to be nominated? Contact HOW Oakhurst for guidelines. Heather Wilbour will randomly draw the next month’s nominee at the end of the evening.
• You do not have to know our recipient to attend a HOW Dinner. Everyone is welcome!
The overwhelming emotional & heartfelt support that we give our recipients is the energy behind the Helping One Woman Organization. We look forward to sharing this energy with you Wednesday, January 18th when we will honor Barbara ♥
HOW Oakhurst Team
- Sue Higgins
- Jennifer Snyder
- Nancy Fikkert
- Kim Morris
The Hitchin’ Post
42592 Hwy 49
Ahwahnee, CA 93601