MARIPOSA — Heavy winter rains, summer drought, devastating fires, firewise landscaping, and native plants are gardening issues that continue to occupy the minds of Sierra foothill residents.
In its continuing effort to assist Mariposa homeowners, the Mariposa Master Gardeners will address plant choice with a public “Native Plants and Care” workshop on Saturday, Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors Chambers.
Bonnie Bladden from Intermountain Nursery will discuss native plant communities and landscape design using the soil you have, fire resistant design using natives, what to plant in serpentine soils, and how to grow and care for native plants.
Bonnie will have a printed plant list organized by plant communities for distribution, and plants will be available for purchase.
Intermountain Nursery is a CA Native Plant nursery listed on the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) website
Along with husband Raymond Laclerque, Bonnie has owned and operated Intermountain Nursery in Prather, Calif., since 1980. They grow and sell native plants for homes and restoration projects.
For further information, contact the University of California County Extension office by phone (209) 966-2417 or by email at
(Photos courtesy of Intermountain Nursery and Mariposa Master Gardeners).
The Board of Supervisors Chambers is located at 5100 Bullion Street in Mariposa.