MARIPOSA — Every year, researchers and citizen scientists gather at known locations in the monarch migration pattern to count the monarch adults as well as the eggs and cats found on native milkweed.
You may think the release of monarchs would be a tremendous boon to the declining global population of this bright and colorful species. This is far from reality!
Multiple theories are being researched by scientists to explain monarch declines, including milkweed habitat loss, herbicide and pesticide use in agricultural areas, disease and predation trends and climate fluctuations.
Western monarch butterflies historically travel a multi-generational migration pattern, leaving their wintering grounds in California for Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho. Biologists and casual observers have noted the drop in numbers both in their wintering grounds and their spring and summer migration which takes three-to-four generations to realize.
So what can you do about it? Well, you can attend the UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County workshop, Milkweeds and Monarchs, presented by Ron Allen, UC Master Gardener of Mariposa County, and Ted Barnecut, UC Master Gardener of Sutter County.
This free public workshop will be held on Saturday, June 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Board of Supervisors Chambers, located at 5100 Bullion St, Mariposa. To register, please call 209-966-2417 or go online.
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The U.C. Master Gardener Helpline and Helpdesk are staffed Thursdays from 2 – 5 p.m. Please contact the helpline, or leave a message by phone at: (209) 966-7078. By email (send photos and questions for researched answers) to:
Master Gardener Office Location:
UC Cooperative Extension Office, 5009 Fairgrounds Road, Mariposa, CA 95338
Phone: (209) 966-2417
Website: Gardener/