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Bear cubs on Glacier Point Road - photo by Gina Clugston

First Bear Incidents This Season In Yosemite

YOSEMITE — There have been three bear incidents so far this season with a total property damage of $190. One bear has been hit by a vehicle near Foresta.

Compared to this same week in 2018 (the lowest year on record for bear incidents), bear incidents in 2019 are the same as last year, and damage amounts (in dollars) are down by 57%. Compared to 1998 (when incidents in the park peaked), bear incidents in 2019 are down by 99%, and damages are down by 99.9%.

Bear Activity Summary

The beginning of June marked the first bear incidents in Yosemite, including a bear attaining food from illegal food hangs at Lake Vernon and a bear investigating canisters and attaining food at Snow Creek.

When out hiking, picnicking, or camping in bear country, it is important to keep food within arm’s reach or to store food properly in a sealed or latched bear resistant food container/locker.

Hanging food in Yosemite is illegal.

There are multiple active bears in Yosemite Valley in and near development. Always stay at least 50 yards away from bears, avoid surrounding or blocking the animal from having  an escape route and maintain vigilance on reporting bears and practicing good food storage in the campgrounds, workplace and residential areas.

Red Bear, Dead Bear

A bear was hit by a vehicle on the Big Oak Flat Road near Foresta.

Please help protect wildlife by obeying speed limits and being prepared to stop for animals in roadways. A map of bear-hit-by-vehicle hot spots along with other Yosemite Bear Information can be viewed at www.KeepBearsWild.org.

Fascinating Bear Fact

Although mountain lions are considered apex predators, black bears will often push mountain lions off their kills, exhibiting sub-dominant behavior to bears.

Please report bear incidents and sightings by calling the Save-A-Bear Hotline at 209-372-0322 or e-mail YosemiteBearManagement.

Other Wildlife Sightings

Mountain lions have been reported across Yosemite National Park. Recent observations of lions exhibiting curiosity and following visitors have occurred in wilderness areas. For more information on mountain lions in Yosemite National Park, please visit the National Park Service website: YosemiteMountainLions.

— C. Roney, NPS

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