Home » Yosemite » El Portal Fire Update August 2

El Portal Fire Update August 2

YOSEMITE – Firefighting efforts on the El Portal fire continue to go well, according to officials, who estimate the acreage at 4,689, with 89% containment.

Crews are working to strengthen the containment line and are aggressively cooling hot spots near the fire’s perimeter.

After today’s shift, most crews reported to a new camp at Drew Meadow, which is in close proximity to the fire area. The Incident Command Post that has been in place at Badger Pass will scale down significantly over the next two days, and by Tuesday morning all remaining resources will work out of Drew Meadow.

The community of Foresta is open to residents as well as the general public. Firefighters worked through the night to mop up and secure the fire line, which is holding well.

The El Portal Fire is producing some smoke as interior portions continue to burn, but most of the visible smoke is from the French Fire to the south. The California Smoke Information website has a blog post about the smoke from these two fires.

Smoke was visible from the Dark Hole Fire as it became more active today; it is now 737 acres, with 61 percent containment, and is staffed by 55 personnel. It remains within the allowable management area that was established by the National Park Service and continues to meet desired resource objectives.

Non-essential crews and equipment are being released to assist at other fires in the region.

The El Portal fire started on Saturday, July 26, and has cost an estimated $9 million for suppression efforts thus far.

There are currently 1,056 personnel assigned to the incident, and the expected date for full containment is Aug. 9.

The cause remains under investigation.

Information Phones: El Portal Fire Call Center is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (209) 372-0327, (209) 372-0328, and (209) 372-0329.

Smoke sensitive individuals such as elders, children, pregnant women, and people with heart or lung disease are vulnerable to the adverse health effects of smoke. Please avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor activity. You may consider leaving the area until smoke levels decline. Please consult your healthcare provider to discuss protective measures. For more information, visit one of the following websites:

For health effects of smoke: www.mariposacounty.org/index.aspx?NID=89

For Yosemite air quality: www.nps.gov/yose/naturescience/aqmonitoring.htm

For smoke updates: www.californiasmokeinfo.blogspot.com

El Portal fire perimeter 8-2-14

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