This year’s Minarets annual Haunted House will be held on Friday, Oct. 30, from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Minarets Gym. There also will be a Trunk or Treat on the grass field outside of the gym. We are asking for donations of candy and seeking more participants for anyone interested in helping out.
This is a fundraiser for the Minarets Physical Education Program. All the proceeds will go to Minarets PE where funds will be used to buy necessary equipment. This year Minarets PE Program is offering a broader PE experience. Examples include Mr. Hansen’s weights and training class designed to get students ready for Spartan races, along with Mrs. Zamora’s yoga and pilates class, and Mr. Smoljan’s extreme PE. Minarets is also in the process of building its own Spartan obstacle course.
The haunted house is part of a Senior Legacy Experience (SLE) undertaken by Dylan Castleman, Ridge Childress and Brett Mellon. These projects are designed to raise money for charity or school improvement, and help out the local, state, national or global community. Some raise awareness for a specific cause. This year’s haunted house attempts to raise much needed money for our growing PE program.
Hope to see you there!
Dylan Castleman is a Minarets student enrolled Digital Writing