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Debris Burning Allowed With Valid Permits

MARIPOSA– Effective Friday, November 8 at 8:00 AM debris burning will be allowed in Madera, Mariposa, and Merced Counties. Residents possessing current and valid residential burn permits can now resume burning on permissive burn days.

Property owners and residents are asked to use caution while conducting debris burns and follow all burning guidelines provided. Property Owners and residents must maintain control of the fire at all times. Individuals can be held civilly and/or criminally liable for allowing a fire to escape their control and/or burn onto neighboring property.

Residents wishing to bum MUST have a valid permit and verify it’s a permissive burn day prior to burning.

Residents must adhere to the conditions of the permit. Burning outside the perimeters of the permit may result in a citation.

Madera County

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control bum day information line: 877-429-2876.
Residential Bum permits can be obtained by visiting bumpermit.fire.ca.qov.

Merced County

No residential burning allowed. Ag buming only.
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control bum day information line: 877-429-2876.
Agriculture Bum permits are available through San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control 209-557-6400.

Mariposa County

Mariposa County burn day information line: 209-966-1200.
Mariposa County Air Pollution Control District 209-966-2220.
Residential Bum permits are available online by visiting bumpermit.fire.ca.qov.

Safe residential pile buming of forest residue by landowners is a crucial tool in reducing fire hazards. For more information on burning, visit the CAL FIRE website at www.fire.ca.qov.

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