Home » Coarsegold » Coarsegold 4-H Helps Honor Veterans

Coarsegold 4-H Helps Honor Veterans

By Adee Fouch, Coarsegold 4-H Reporter

OAKHURST – Coarsegold 4-H, Marine Corps League, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Boy Scouts gathered at Oakhill Cemetery in Oakhurst, California to raise and lower hundreds of flags on November 11, 2020.

We did this in order to honor our Veterans, who are people who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Flags can and should be displayed on all days, but especially on federal holidays such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day.

Oakhill Cemetery has large displays of flags on all of the holidays listed.

In 1782 the colors of our national flag were decided.

The red stands for hardiness and courage. White, for purity and innocence. Blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.


The thirteen red and white stripes on our flag stand for the thirteen colonies that founded this amazing country.

In 1817 it was decided that we would have a star for each of our states. The stars stand for the 50 current states.

4-H is a very good way to learn pride and responsibility to your community, country, and world. It’s also a great place to learn lots of life skills have lots of fun.

It is not too late to sign up! Contact Pat Strimling at strimlin@gmail.com or contact us on Facebook at “Coarsegold 4-H”.

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