Submitted By: Adee Fouch Coarsegold 4-H Reporter
Coarsegold 4-H is pushing through the pandemic. We have to do our meetings online but that doesn’t stop us from helping out our community.
On December 10, 2020, we sponsored a clothing drive at Coarsegold Community Center. There were lots of different sizes of clothing and shoes. There were also bags, belts, purses, accessories, and toys. About a hundred people came and they all left with bags bulging to the brim with “new to you” clothing and other goodies.
Thank you to all who donated clothing to the swap. Thank you to everyone who came.
Please know that the extra clothing and things were donated to local organizations. This is an annual event, so keep your eyes peeled and looking for information around the same time next year.
Coarsegold 4-H is proud and happy to help the community. If you know of a community project that needs to be done, please let us know. Remember it’s not too late to sign up to be a leader or member. Contact Pat Strimling at or 559-683-5149.