CALIFORNIA – The majority of collisions in Central Division that end in death or injury begin with a speeding or aggressive driver.
To address this issue, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) has embarked on a yearlong, lifesaving endeavor to reduce the frequency of these collisions.
To assist in this traffic safety effort, the Department has received a federally-funded grant titled, “Reduce Aggressive Driving Incidents and Tactically Enforce Speed” (RADIATES). The CHP’s anti-speed campaign will continue through Sept. 30.
On Friday, Apr. 18, the California Highway Patrol will be out in full force on State Route 99 between Modesto and the Los Angeles County line, specifically targeting errant drivers.
From Jan. 2012 to May 2013 there were approximately 1,215 traffic collisions on State Route 99 between Modesto and the Los Angeles County line. These included 74 fatal collisions and 519 injury collisions.
Officers will be looking for violations of speed, unsafe passing, following too close and improper turning, as well as seat belt and distracted driving (i.e. cellular phone and texting violations). From Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2013 CHP officers issued 55,632 citations for speed across the 300 mile stretch of SR-99.
“The California Highway Patrol takes a proactive approach in keeping our roadways safe. The RADIATES grant allows our dedicated highway patrol officers to enhance highway safety by addressing speed, unsafe turning movement and other collision causing violations through education and enforcement,” stated Central Division Chief Jim Abrames.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.