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Butte Fire - photo Sierra National Forest

Butte Fire On Sierra NF Now 15 Percent Contained

SIERRA NATIONAL FOREST — The lightning-caused Butte Fire, burning on the Sierra National Forest, is now estimated at 570 acres with 15 percent containment.

The fire was first reported on Aug. 7, and is burning in the Ansel Adams Wilderness north of the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin River and south of Cargyle Meadow.

Initial suppression actions were successful in channeling the direction of the fire, despite active burning in steep, rugged terrain with difficult access.

Suppression resources are at scene and engaged, with 125 personnel assigned to the incident including four hand crews and four helicopters.

Due to the location of the fire in a wilderness area, crews are utilizing Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics (MIST), and a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over the fire.

Crews made good progress yesterday despite challenging terrain and access. Fire behavior continues to be active in the afternoon.

The fire is not threatening any structures.

Mammoth Trailhead on the Sierra National Forest has been closed, and Fern Creek Trail on the Inyo National Forest is closed at Granite Staircase Junction. No road closures have been announced.

Assisting Agencies include the Inyo National Forest, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and Great Basin Air Resources

Latitude 37 ° 33.0000
Longitude -119° 09.9000

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