Home » Ahwahnee » Branches Bookstore Hosting Launch Party Tomorrow for New Book by Locals Harsha and Nickerson
Launch party tomorrow at Branches
Launch party tomorrow at Branches!

Branches Bookstore Hosting Launch Party Tomorrow for New Book by Locals Harsha and Nickerson

OAKHURST — A new book is out by local poet Jeannie O. Harsha and photographer Tricia Nickerson. Harsha and Nickerson have combined their respective talents as well as their shared passion for nature into a photo/poetry book titled Wandering Off: Nature’s Notable Nourishments.

A book launch is scheduled at Branches Book Store in Oakhurst (near Vons) for Saturday, Nov. 30. Folks can wander into the shop anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. for a book signing or just to chat with the authors.

Harsha and Nickerson first met while working at Oakhurst Elementary School. They soon began wandering off together due to a shared enthusiasm for the natural world. The idea to combine their talents into book form emerged over the last few years.

Wandering Off is Harsha’s second book. Her first book, But First Can You Tie My Shoe?, published in 2010, is a collection of poems about raising children. Nickerson has been part of Sierra Art Trails for several years, and has displayed her work in art festivals around the state.

This new collection celebrates nature from the minute to the magnificent. Harsha and Nickerson are both mindful of the daily gifts that can uplift us if we take time to notice. The words and photos are their way of sharing their inspirations with others.


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