By Nina Sharrar —
MARIPOSA — The Bootjack 49ers 4-H Club is enjoying the winter season! We recently installed our officers and had a welcome-back dinner.
We were honored to have Mariposa County Supervisor Miles Menetrey and Mariposa County 4-H Council President Karen Cutter install our officers in a candlelight ceremony, which was followed by a potluck dinner. At the meeting, a lot of people joined our club.
We are excited to have so many new members. If you would like to join 4-H this year, you are still able to do so.
The officers installed were: Noah Schiff – President; Hannah Hansen – Vice-President; Robyn Sharrar – Treasurer; Ben Latona – Secretary; Emma Nielsen – Correspondence Secretary; Nina Sharrar – Reporter; Lilly Goodman and Paisley Allison – Historians; Mia Hansen – Healthy Living Officer; and Hannah Benson and Gloria Sharrar – Sergeants at Arms.
We would like to thank Supervisor Miles Menetrey and Karen Cutter for their participation in the installation ceremony.
Some upcoming events are the 4-H Countywide Christmas Caroling on Saturday Dec. 15 at 2 pm at Idle Wheels followed by the Countywide 4-H Christmas Party at the Methodist Church beginning at 3:30 p.m.
Thank you for reading about the Bootjack 49er 4-H Clubs latest activities!
Nina Sharrar is the Club Reporter