OAKHURST – Bring your earthy, leafy, and flowery questions to the experts as the Oakhurst Garden Club this weekend, as True Value presents a workshop on Bees, Birds and Butterfly Gardens, on Sunday, June 7 at 1 p.m.
The program is free, and if you’ve never been to one of these events, do not delay.
Sue Langley of Sierra Foothill Garden fame will familiarize guests with ways to encourage honey bees, which is a very nice thing to do, and gardeners will find out what the best butterfly plants are. Also on the docket is butterfly garden design for large or small gardens, and a talk about ways to deal with garden pests.
For the duration of the drought, say organizers, tolerant plants will be the focus in order to help local green-thumbs and wanna-bees to succeed in creating a beautiful garden despite the dirth of water.
Participants will receive a 20% coupon good for any plant. True Value Home Center is located at 40596 Westlake Drive in Oakhurst. Phone (559) 683-7117 or visit Oakhurst Garden Club at True Value on Facebook.