Home » Ahwahnee » ARTober in Oakhurst Presents FIND “Art the Bear”, a Bear Treasure Hunt!

ARTober in Oakhurst Presents FIND “Art the Bear”, a Bear Treasure Hunt!

OAKHURST – Oct. 1, 2020 – ARTober in Oakhurst is a month-long celebration of the arts.  Visit Yosemite | Madera County will be hiding “Art the Bear” random days throughout Artober in a different business location around Oakhurst.  Go to Artober in Oakhurst’s Facebook (@ArtoberOakhurst) or Instagram (@ArtoberOakhurst) feeds for clues on where to find “Art the Bear”. 

“Even though Sierra Art Trails and the Oakhurst Fall Festival aren’t happening this year, the Visitors Bureau really wanted to continue the Art the Bear tradition which brings locals (and visitors too) into Oakhurst businesses which need all the support we can give them in this crazy 2020 year!” says Rhonda Salisbury, CEO of Visit Yosemite/Madera County.

 Be the first to find “Art the Bear” and he’s yours to keep.  All we ask is that you:

  1. Take a photo of yourself with “Art the Bear” (aka – a selfie)
  2. Post it on Facebook and/or Instagram
  3. Use #ArtoberOakhurst and tag us @ArtoberOakhurst
  4. Take your bear home.  But, please…don’t feed the bear!               

 “Art the Bear” is a small (approximately 8”) chainsaw carved bear created by Nate’s Kustom Carving.

 For more information about ARTober activities go to:  ARTober.net


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