OAKHURST — The nonprofit group Helping One Woman (HOW) is meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the El Cid Mexican Restaurant to honor Coarsegold resident Amber Tringali. The evening of food, fundraising and friendship begins at 6 p.m.
Amber, 33, is the mother of a trio of kids, ages 9, 7, and 3. She has become a full-time caregiver of her husband, David, who was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) — also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
They have been fighting this exhausting battle together. David is now basically unable to move from the neck down. Someone must be with him 24-hours a day.
If he needs to itch, use the bathroom, drink, shower, brush hair, change clothes, throw up or do any simple task — Amber does it for David.
She stays up late taking care of David’s needs and waked up early with her children, averaging three or four hours of sleep per night. — HOW
Medical costs are continuing to add up and in some categories the Tringalis’ insurance is maxed out. David needs a specialized shower wheelchair designed for patients with ALS, starting at $1,000, say HOW organizers, and insurance isn’t going to pay it. A basic shower chair is no longer sufficient because of the kind of support David’s body needs at this time.
The Tringali family feels blessed to be living in a community that has provided so much support already and continues to do so in light of the tremendous need their family faces. Amber is humbled and thankful for the continued kindness that is being shown to her.
Please RSVP by phone or text to Allison at (559) 760-4346 with the number in your party. You may also contact Allison if you’d like to donate a prize for the drawing or make a contribution to the Tringali family.
HOW meets monthly for an uplifting evening in honor of one deserving woman who receives the community’s support when they need it the most. Recipients of HOW are always a woman who is going through a time of irreplaceable loss or who has been through a period of loss within the last 12 months. Irreplaceable loss is defined as a catastrophic loss which cannot be recovered.
Those participating in the HOW benefit will offer $10 or more as a suggested donation for Amber and pay for their own dinner. Proceeds from the event go directly to Amber at the end of the evening.
HOW says that “one woman with $10 can buy another woman lunch. Ten women giving $10 can buy another woman’s groceries. One hundred women giving $10 can make a real difference in another woman’s life.”
Do you know a woman who is going through a time of irreplaceable loss? Bring her name to the next HOW meeting and nominate her to be the next recipient. “Remember that by helping one woman, we help one family and one community.”
El Cid Restaurant is located at 41939 CA-41 in Oakhurst.
Contact howoakhurstchapter@gmail.com