COARSEGOLD – On January 11, 2021 it will be 3 years since Jason Tipton was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, Glioblastoma. He was given 3-12 months to live based on how aggressive the treatment.
With the love and support of family, friends, and the mountain communities Jason was able to fight this beast. By the 9th month following his diagnosis his scan revealed no evidence of disease. Today he is feeling great living his best life with his 3 son’s, their mother and loved ones all around him.
Here is the letter from Jason to the Madera County Mountain Community:
Thank you could never measure the gratitude in my heart for the love this community has shown my family. I am truly blessed to call this beautiful place my home and raise my family here.
Strangers became family as they came to my home every night for a month making us dinner. You all have your own families to cook and care for, you added my family to yours. The love in the meal train, it brought families I’ve never met into my home to love us, pray with us and lift us up. I can’t explain the feeling but I can tell you that it brought my Faith into a much stronger vision that everything is going to be okay no matter what happens.
The school’s in the mountain areas, the love and encouragement of the children fueled my strength and ambition. I had to fight to show them I won’t give up. They made me the most amazing posters and did a fundraiser for me. Teachers, you tucked my boys under your wings and I knew they were being taken care of. Thank you all.
Multiple local businesses coming together for the car wash. This was an awesome event that everyone came together and worked their butts off while having a blast. Thank you to all who came out to this event and those of you that put it on.
I would like to thank the ladies of HOW for all they do. The dinner fundraiser you did for my wife helped tremendously monetarily but most of all the love. The love in that restaurant can not be explained into words. Seeing people come to lift my wife up and let her know she is not alone was a beautiful thing to be a part of.
Thank you Sierra News for reaching out and sharing my story. Read original story here:
His Church, thank you for welcoming us into your loving arms, your powerful healing prayers and the support you gave. All the glory goes to God, I know in my heart he was working through all of us as he does every second of everyday.
Close friends and family, thank you so much for helping to be a contact and help Amanda to keep her going and helping her realize it’s ok to let people in to help. Friend’s who came to offer a helping hand around the house, wrap up jobs, pick up the boys, drop off a card, encouragement, or some would just show up to give me a needed hug. There were anonymous gifts the blessings were endless.
I know I have not mentioned everything in detail in this I would be keeping you all here all night but I want you to know that you are all angels in my journey. I love you all and I am blessed beyond measure to live here. I don’t think I would still be here without the love and support. You all saved my life and I can’t thank you enough for that.
Amanda was able to research a non traditional route which you helped make possible for me to try. You not only helped me, but the knowledge gained has helped a few others in their journey’s. You can’t put a price on that.
My family wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year. God bless you all.
Much love from Jason Tipton