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47 Grave Sites Vandalized

MARIPOSA–On January 15th, 2023,  The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office was made aware of possible vandalism at the Mariposa Cemetery. Upon investigation, a total of 47 grave sites were identified as being damaged as well as multiple gravesite decorations such as angels and vases.

At this time, the Sheriff’s Office is still evaluating the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged headstones. Some of the headstones date back to the 1840s and are made out of Italian marble/stone. Several local civic groups, including The Mariposa County  Chamber of Commerce and the Lions Clubs, are working with the Sheriff’s Office and Mariposa County staff on the repair plan.


Witnesses identified Marlon Ortez as the person damaging the headstones. Mr. Ortez was contacted and admitted to destroying the headstones. Mr. Ortez is a 27-year-old transient. He was arrested and charged with 594.35 PC, Felony Vandalism. He remains in the Mariposa County Jail as of the release of this information.


On Sunday, January 15th, a transient damaged/destroyed 47 historic headstones at the Masonic section of the Mariposa Cemetery.
Mariposa Sheriff’s Deputies we’re able to identify the suspect and swiftly take him into custody. Lions Club of Mariposa has reached out to the Mariposa Masonic Lodge in support and will be getting a Lions Club project in place to assist with repairs and clean up.

Our Hearts go out to the Families and Friends of the people laid to rest in the Mariposa Cemetery.

Posted on the Lions Club Facebook Page

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