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40 Teachers … $100,000 dollars … an O’Neals Winner

O’NEALS – Teachers in California were asked to submit their innovative teaching ideas the week of January 11 for an opportunity to win State Farm ® Teacher Assist grants.

Two hundred submissions were accepted and reviewed. Forty California teachers were selected based on the programs they described and will each receive a $2,500 grant to implement or support their classroom projects.

State Farm is proud to recognize a teacher from Minarets High School in O’Neals who was among the 40 winners in the state.

Keeley Hall submitted a winning entry to build an Aquaponics System on their school’s farm to teach real-world and innovative food production projects.

“This grant will specifically pay for tanks to house fish, a water pump, tables to grow plants, and purchase other materials required to build the system,” said Hall. “The project will allow students to conduct experiments on campus and run their own business to learn business principles.”

Local State Farm agent, Ray Rezendes informed Keeley about the grant. According to Hall, over 500 students every school year will benefit from the program.

“This project will tie in perfectly to many classes, including biology, Ag Business, Animal Science, Plant Science, Ag Mechanics, and Project Based Learning,” added Hall. “The lab space will allow students to test and regulate the water for fish and plant life, including pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Providing students the opportunity to conduct research in a high school class from a hands-on perspective, will be invaluable to their education.”

“As a company, we have a long history of working with teachers, educators, and students across the country. We are heartened by the immense response received from teachers sharing their solutions to overcoming challenges,” said Annette Martinez, State Farm Senior Vice President. “Congratulations to the winners. We are proud to support you and help you reach your goals!”

State Farm thanks all 200 teachers who submitted their ideas; teachers who are making our neighborhoods safer, stronger and better educated. The CA Winners List represents 40 teachers from Eureka to San Diego. (https://presspage-production-content.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1441/winnertableca.pdf?10000)

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