Home » Coarsegold » 2021 Virtual Academic Pentathlon a Success!

2021 Virtual Academic Pentathlon a Success!

MADERA COUNTY – The second virtual Madera County Academic Pentathlon concluded with an online Super Quiz after a full morning of testing on Saturday, March 13.  Rivergold Elementary School was the victor in this year’s 7th grade competition and Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School (MLK) was the champion in the eighth grade competition.

This is MLK’s first overall team win in the Academic Pentathlon’s 37-year history, and also the first championship team from Madera Unified School District.

Nearly 75 students participated in this five-event academic competition, held on March 4 and 13.  Students competed in the areas of essay, fine arts, literature, science and social science.  This year’s topic was The Cold War.

Thomas Jefferson Middle School came in second place in the 7th grade competition.  Mountain Home School Charter came in second in the 8th grade competition and Sherman Thomas STEM Academy placed third.

Rivergold Elementary School placed first in the 7th grade Super Quiz competition and Thomas Jefferson Middle School placed second.  Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School also placed first in the Super Quiz, with Sherman Thomas STEM Academy placing second and Mountain Home School Charter coming in third place.

The Super Quiz was held through Zoom this year.  Students were allowed to communicate with their fellow team members via phone while Dr. Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools, read the questions on Zoom.  Family, friends and supporters were invited to watch the Super Quiz live on YouTube.

All tests were held online and students were able to compete from home.  Students entered individual breakout rooms with their team members in Zoom and were proctored by their coach.

“We are so proud of all of our amazing middle school pentathletes,” said Massetti.  “Even with all of the changes that had to be made to the competition, they studied countless hours, showed exceptional sportsmanship, team spirit, and dedication throughout the contest.”

Each team consisted of up to 15 students.  Students had to compete in all five events.  Teams had been practicing for this event since September.

Participating schools included: Coarsegold Elementary, Eastin-Arcola, Jack G. Desmond Middle, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle, Mountain Home Charter, Ranchos Middle, Rivergold Elementary, Sherman Thomas STEM Academy, Spring Valley Elementary, and Thomas Jefferson Middle Schools.

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The Academic Pentathlon is sponsored by Madera County Superintendent of Schools and the Madera County Schools Foundation and supported by community donations.

A complete list of award recipients is below.


7th Grade

Gold: Makaya Marr, Rivergold Elementary School

Silver: Lily Hendricks, Coarsegold Elementary School

Bronze: Logan Encinas, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

8th Grade

Gold: Brooklyn Lopez, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Silver: Mayrlin Yuselmi Vasquez, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Bronze: Jordan Lopez, Sherman Thomas STEM Academy

 Fine Art

7th Grade

Gold: Logan Encinas, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Silver: Jadyn Benak, Rivergold Elementary School

Bronze: Sophie Flanagan, Rivergold Elementary School

8th Grade

Gold: Maribel Ortiz Garcia, Jack G. Desmond Middle School

Silver: Noah Mellon, Mountain Home School Charter

Bronze: Jordan Lopez, Sherman Thomas STEM Academy


7th Grade

Gold: Logan Encinas, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Silver: Jadyn Benak, Rivergold Elementary School

Bronze: Brooklyn Ledgerwood, Coarsegold Elementary School

8th Grade

Gold: Mayrlin Yuselmi Vasquez, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Gold: Noah Mellon, Mountain Home School Charter

Silver: Maribel Ortiz Garcia, Jack G. Desmond Middle School

Bronze: Jessica Pennington, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School


7th Grade

Gold: Logan Encinas, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Silver: Rocco Bluhm, Rivergold Elementary School

Bronze: Elijah Sierra, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

8th Grade

Gold: Mayrlin Yuselmi Vasquez, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Silver: Jade Martin, Coarsegold Elementary School

Bronze: Elizabeth Pimentel, Eastin-Arcola School

Bronze: Oscar Solis, Sherman Thomas STEM Academy

Social Science

7th Grade

Gold: Logan Encinas, Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Silver: Jadyn Benak, Rivergold Elementary School

Bronze: Lily Hendricks, Coarsegold Elementary School

8th Grade

Gold: Mayrlin Yuselmi Vasquez, Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Silver: Maribel Ortiz Garcia, Jack G. Desmond Middle School

Bronze: Ryan Wolkow, Mountain Home School Charter

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