Home » Coarsegold » 10th Annual Oakhurst Outpouring Returns To Its Roots

10th Annual Oakhurst Outpouring Returns To Its Roots

OAKHURST – The mood will be especially festive this particular holiday season for anyone connected to the Outpouring in Oakhurst: this marks the tenth year of the community celebration of Christmas, a free community feast open to everyone.

All are invited to the Oakhurst Outpouring on Sunday, Dec. 23 from 3 – 7 p.m. at the Oakhurst Community Center. As has been the case for a decade now, organizers promise food, fun, and fellowship, throughout an afternoon and evening that is perfect for all generations.

Individuals and groups are warmly encouraged to attend or participate by providing food and service. Rebecca Simon, formerly Kohout, is once again coordinating the event with her large — and growing — family. Three baby boys in the extended clan are celebrating first birthdays soon as, just last year, their moms were all due to give birth around Christmas.

“My little guy came on the nineteenth of December, my sister-in-law’s on the twenty-ninth, and my sister’s on January first,” explains Rebecca. “Since the Outpouring is something my whole family gets involved in, it just was too much with babies due so close.”

Now, they’re back in the kitchen for Outpouring. Rebecca says she’s forever grateful to the people who kept the flames of Outpouring burning while she and the others were otherwise well-occupied. They discovered that, despite needing the break, the family missed being part of the heart-and-plate-warming event. 

“We look forward to it all year! We absolutely love it, and now it’s something my own children get to be part of. We love the small close community feel.  With all the devastation from the fires, we are so excited to yet be able to have this wonderful, free community Christmas feast.”

Families, seniors and people who want to spend the evening together are invited to come out for what will be a delicious and abundant meal. Tables are festively decorated, and it’s not uncommon for a certain red-suited gentleman popular throughout the season to stop by with gifts.

The evening will be filled with yuletide cheer, friendship, delicious home cooked food, coffee and cocoa, Rebecca continues.

“We have some wonderful entertainment lined up already for this year. Some local high school students will be singing carols, some younger ones doing some dances.”

Want to work off a little of that delicious dinner? You’re in luck — in addition to all the other conviviality, there will be line dancing.

“It’s going to be such a fun evening,” promises Rebecca. “As usual, I’m looking for volunteers!”

The home-cooked meal is provided by an all-volunteer culinary force of nature in the form of individuals acting together for a common cause. Dinner generally includes ham, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, veggies, dessert and other traditional holiday fare. Organizers are looking for people to donate, cook, and serve. Teams are encouraged, individuals are welcomed, all are appreciated.

Anyone interested in participating in the Outpouring, either by making a donation or volunteering time, is encouraged to contact Rebecca at (559) 676-9101 or via email oakhurstoutpouring@gmail.com. Spread the word!

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